Little Insects: Autumn Skies (Ep, 2010)


Little Insects es el proyecto de Omar De La Rosa, músico de Brooklyn que factura su propia música, la edita y la produce. El sonido de Autumn Skies es intimista, y bastante cálido: predominan las guitarras y los sintetizadores, los ritmos programados y una producción bastante sencilla no exenta de cierta calidez. Tres canciones que conforman un todo que gira en torno a las sensaciones que producen en Omar la llegada del otoño, sus sentimientos y sus estados de ánimo. Un disquito muy ameno que puedes descargar directamente desde su Bandcamp.

Little Insects – Autumn Skies (Ep, 2010)

«The autumn, while literally chillier, feels warmer than other seasons, figuratively. It’s the colors. Naturally, autumn deserved its own concept album–or at least a concept EP.
In the past few days, I spent some extra time indoors, resting and staying warm to help cure a cold, and used the time to also get some recording done on the Autumn Skies EP.
However, what came out of these recording sessions for this EP will be far different from Almost Ghost in many ways. Since long stretches of perfectly quiet time and ample spaces with nice acoustics are harder to come by in Brooklyn than they were in Orlando, I’ve had to crank up the volumes of what I record and the amounts of Electro-Harmonix Big Muff pedal that I use. Turns out, it’s actually a good way to play nicely with the background noise of buses and neighbors walking around upstairs. Consequently, Autumn Skies EP is far more noisy than Almost Ghost or anything I’ve recorded before for that matter» (

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  1. es demasido bueno el CD hay que ser muy buen profesional para hacer un cd uno mismo. feicitaciones por ese CD ojaa y sigas hacindo tan exelente musica

    Me gusta

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